Contact Us At 973-755-5333


"We are committed to training
and empowering servant leaders, pouring out our lives into the
​lives of others."
- Lightpath Foundation

​​Lightpath Foundation A 501c3 Non-Profit Organization​

& Resources

Leader in the Workplace
Monday, September 10, 2014
Simple steps to being an effective leader in your organization or business
Parent's Can Help
Saturday, July 28, 2014
​​Leadership skills for Children
How To Spot A Healthy Church in 30 Seconds
​Thursday, June 02, 2014
Our first impressions can mean volumes on how our church looks to others.
text*free Initiative
Our children's schools and their teachers are facing the same economic pressures we all face today. The Text*Free Initiative looks to assist schools and their students with acquiring the proper textbooks, supplies, and curriculum to help them succeed. Your help is greatly appreciated in helping others.
S.T.E.P. Academy
STEP Academy is a fun and effective leadership and vision casting process. Our goal is to inspire and enrich the future generation of leaders that are being shaped today. Working along side parents, organizations, schools and communities. STEP Academy will help your child reach their potential.
Leadership Training
Becoming an effective leader is necessary for any business or organization to succeed. From a small business, church, large corporation or civic organization the process of conveying your vision and mission with purpose and clarity is extremely important. Our LEAD Institute will help you learn the skills to transform and empower others.